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Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.
Our Company has received outstanding international recognition. In the framework of the Madrid World Water Summit which was held between April 24 and 25, 2017. Csaba Haranghy CEO received the Gold Standard for utility performance awardwhich represents the achievement of the highest service level and the right to own the ‘Member of the Leading Utilities of the World Network’ title.
The fact that our Company eligible for the title owned by only a dozen water utility provider worldwide indicates, that the international professional community monitors and considers our activity to be equal to its most prominent representatives. We have gained a reputation among prestigious and internationally renowned companies such as the Washington DC Water, the Waternet Amsterdam, the PUB Singapore, the K-Water Korea, the Western Australia Waterworks, a Kitakyushu Waterworks Japan, Los Angeles County Waterworks, the VCS Denmark, the Atlanta Watershed and the South-East Water Australia.
The title is also an opportunity to open the way for further international engagements in waterworks developments and projects in different regions of the world for both the Budapest Waterworks and the water sector in Hungary.