Az Ön által használt böngésző elavult, javasoljuk, hogy oldalunkat a megfelelő vizuális megjelenés érdekében korszerűbb (pl.: chrome, firefox, edge, stb.) böngésző használatával keresse fel ismét!
Megértését és együttműködését köszönjük!
Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.
Our philosophy is that the best solutions always come from those aligned with and tailored to the particular location. In the course of our assignments, we select the technology most suitable for local circumstances at all times.
We aim to improve our partner’s operations and security of supply. We are ready to assist our clients upgrading their financial management, revenue collection as well as the number of satisfied customers through the most sophisticated technological and company management solutions.
which we are ready to share with our partners so that they could respond to modern market expectations in the most efficient way.