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Megértését és együttműködését köszönjük!
Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.
Important element of our social engagement is to support people in need, and those in disadvantaged financial straits. In 2002 the Budapest Waterworks among the firsts decided, that instead of the usual year-end business gifts they will spend this amount for charitable purposes. Ever since traditionally those organizations which embracing large families and people in need, are benefiting from this donation before Christmas.
A main highlight of the Budapest Waterworks strategy is to help and provide assistance in areas left without healthy drinking water after disaster situations. Over the last few decades in many disaster areas people both here at home, and abroad were be able to get healthy drinking water thanks to our Company’s experts, thus our professionals participated in similar missions after the tsunami in Sri Lanka, the flood in Southern-Moldova, Transylvania and Miskolc. In 2013 following the destruction caused by the Haiyan typhoon in the Philippines, and after the devastating flood in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2014 they provided assistance in the temporarily water supply and in the assessment and restoration of the damaged water network.
Our most important missions
Berehove City Council (2022)
Budapest Center of Engineering Training Eötvös Loránd Technikum (2023)
Budapest Police Headquarters (2021, 2022)
Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy and Its Institutions (2021)
Chance in the XXI. Century Art Education Cultural Public Foundation (2019)
City of Kyiv, Ukraine (2022)
Consumer Protection and Advocacy Alliance Foundation (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Csepeli Városkép LLC (2022)
Danube Water Police Headquarters (2022)
Embassy of Hungary in Kosovo (2021)
Embassy of Hungary Pristina (2021)
Foundation for Mining Engineer Education (2021, 2022, 2023)
GOLDEN TEAM for the youth sport of the Carpathian Foundation (2019)
GWP Hungary Charitable Foundation (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
HDF 1st EOD and Warship Regiment (2021)
Hungarian Association of Gas Entrepreneurs (2020)
Hungarian Non-profit Association for Smiles (2019)
Hungarian Water Association (2024)
Hungarian Water Utility Association (2021, 2022, 2023)
János Wein Foundation (2020)
Kápolna Színpad Foundation (2022)
Kiút Social and Mental Health Association (2024)
Leövey Klára Greek Catholic Secondary Grammar School and Technical School (2021)
Metropolitan Civil Protection and Disaster Prevention Association (2020)
Municipality of Budakeszi (2019, 2021, 2022)
Municipality of Dunabogdány (2019)
Municipality of Pócsmegyer (2019)
National Association of Large Families (2019)
Nem Adom Fel (I Do Not Give It Up) Foundation (2019)
Óbuda United Association (2019)
Örökmozgó (Perpetual Motion) Complex Movement Development Foundation (2019)
Passerby non-profit Association (2020, 2021, 2022)
Peregium Social Organization (2021)
Pest County Directorate of Disaster Recovery (2021)
Pro Progressio Foundation (2019)
Rapid Response and Special Police Service (2021)
Specific Mechanical Training Center in Budapest (2020)
Szigetmonostor Parish Hall (2019)
The National Institute for the Blind People (2022)
Budapest Waterworks Sport Club (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
János Wein Foundation (2019)