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Megértését és együttműködését köszönjük!
Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.
You use well water but are unsure about its quality? You need a water test for a drinking well permission? The accredited laboratory of our company offers an answer to both needs.
It is becoming a more and more widespread practice among people who have a yard, garden or garden connection to obtain water for watering, car washing, cleaning garden furniture and other activities from a drilled or dug well. Well water can be used risk-free to clean household items, but it is recommended to use drinking water to irrigate vegetables grown for consumption or to fill up the children's pool.
In order for water use to be coupled with safety, it is important to know the composition of the water obtained from the garden well. A solution for this is the well water test of our company's laboratory, which you can order from our online customer service.
If you are having a water test done not only for your own use, we recommend that you consult with the competent body or authority before ordering to make sure exactly what tests are required or whether accredited water sampling is required.
Would you like to order a water test for well permitting? We help!
Our specialists will examine the composition of the well water on the basis of the set of parameters specified in the relevant legislation and issue a report on it.
We recommend that you consult with the competent body or authority before ordering to make sure whether accredited water sampling is required to the permission.
More information on the water test required for well permitting can be found here.
Order the well water test or the water test service required for well permitting from our online customer service!
You can submit your order 24 hours a day on our online interface by clicking on the following button:
After completion of the service, the fee will be paid and the test report sent electronically.
If you have any questions about our service or need more detailed information, please contact us.