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Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.
One equipment – triple impact: less chlorine, decreasing risk, lower costs
In case of systems in similar size to the more than 5,000 kilometres of drinking water network operated by Budapest Waterworks the safest and most effective disinfection procedure is the chlorination. Budapest Water operates by following the principle of necessary minimum during chlorination, constantly striving to keep the enjoyment value high while guaranteeing the safety of drinking water supply. To this end, we are continually exploring novel solutions that serve this purpose.
An important milestone in achieving this objective is the project, which was realized by the research consortium with the management of the Inno-Water Zrt. and the assistance of Budapest Waterworks and the Water Science Faculty of the National Public University. The project received nearly 70 million HUF non-refundable aid on the Hungary - Israel 4th Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects.
The project involves the development of chlorination equipment and a connected operating system, which reduces public health risks associated with chlorination disinfectant byproducts in drinking water and optimizes the active chlorine concentration in the network, that in turn also results in significant operational cost savings. By optimally determining the chlorination points and doses, and by reducing the amount of chlorine added to drinking water, it is possible to significantly improve the sensory properties of the supplied drinking water. Development, testing and fine-tuning of the new methodology and chlorination system concept which serving this purpose will be realized in cooperation with the Israeli partners.
The new, innovative process can adapt to the constantly changing daily and seasonal water consumption habits. With the system capable to take into account water quality parameters and amount of the water supplied, the residence time of the water in certain pipe network sections and the hydraulic conditions, the amount of disinfectant can be minimized while the public health risk of water consumption decreases and its sensory properties improve.
Project data
Project name: „Development of smart chlorination system for the reduction of operational costs and public health risk”
Short title of the project: OKOSKLÓR (SMARTCHLOR)
Project ID number: TÉT_15_IL-1-2016-0013
Supporter: National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Press release in .pdf is available here.