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Megértését és együttműködését köszönjük!
Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.
You bought new property or want to renovate your existing one but do not know where the various utilities run in the ground? You don’t want huge expenses for earthworks? Here is the solution! Choose our path search or georadar service!
Often there is no reliable record of the condition of the pipes and cables running on a real estate. However, during reconstruction or renovation work, damage to a forgotten line or fitting can even create a life-threatening situation. The georadar operating with the most modern technology currently available, provides a solution for this, as it helps detect easily such pipes, wires and cables that are not in the records or are incorrectly recorded. The tool helps accurately determine the route of any water pipe, be it made of metal, PVC, concrete or other material, and it can be eminently used to map utilities before some major works.
The main advantage of the service
The georadar helps detect non-metallic materials and objects underground to a depth of about four to five meters, as well as to examine the soil structure, so there is no need for expensive and time-consuming demolition, restoration, excavation or sampling work.
We can accept your order if you provide the following information:
A report will be drawn up on the results of the inspection performed. The report will be mailed to the Customer within 5 working days after the inspection. If you require it, it is possible to receive the documentation and invoice in person at our customer service office, and even to settle the invoice in cash.
If you wish to have more information about this service, we will be glad to provide it on the following contact addresses:
Telephone: 06 1 465 2679