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Megértését és együttműködését köszönjük!
Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt.
In case of leak or pipe burst choose Budapest Waterworks!
Water is flowing away on the internal network of your property due to some fault, but its exact location is not known, or your water consumption has jumped suddenly and inexplicably, and you want to know if there is some leak in your internal network? If your order our pipe break detection service, the specialists of Budapest Waterworks will inspect your water network with the help of their modern instruments and will identify any pipe breaks, leaks and other damage.
We wish to warn you, however, that this service is only available on the inbuilt areas of your property but not inside the building itself.
To order the service, please fill in the Pipe burst detection form and submit it to our company.
It is also possible to order this service with emergency, in which case our technicians will perform the pipe burst detection service within two working days. In this case, you must indicate on the order form the option "Detection of hidden water leaks - electroacoustic detection service with emergency visit".
We can do this two-day emergency detection if the service is ordered by 14:00 hours of any working day. If the order comes in after 14:00 hours, the deadline will be prolonged by one day.
A report will be drawn up on the results of the inspection performed. The report will be mailed to the Customer within 5 working days after the inspection. If you require it, it is possible to receive the documentation and invoice in person at our customer service office, and even to settle the invoice in cash.
Telephone: 06 1 465 2679